Feminist Encampment ¡Berta Lives! demands justice against US & Canadian-backed Honduran regime for assassination of Berta Caceres

  • Below, a Common Dreams article

Rights Action, via the Honduras Solidarity Network, is helping fund the Feminist Encampment ¡Berta Lives!, as work continues to expose the deeply complicit responsibility of the US and Canada in Honduras’ human rights nightmare situation since the 2009 military coup ousted Honduras’ last democratically elected government.

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Illegal, harmful US (& Canadian) sanctions against Venezuela (& Nicaragua)

Rights Action forwards this article about illegal and harmful U.S. sanctions against Venezuela.

Following the US lead, Canada has illegal sanctions against Venezuela. Both the US and Canada have illegal sanctions against Nicaragua also, …

… even as the US and Canada maintain full political, economic, military relations with corrupt, violent, military-backed, ‘open-for-global-business’ regimes in Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti and beyond.

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