Constitutional Court of Guatemala ordered immediate suspension of “Fenix” nickel mine operation in Mayan Q’eqchi’ territories

Will decision impact the Hudbay Minerals (Skye Resources) lawsuits in Canada, as decision puts into question the underlying legality of Hudbay/Skye’s years of mining in Guatemala (2005-2011), during which time the repression and harms linked to their mining operation occurred, including killings, gang-rapes, shootings, forced evictions and community destruction?

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Drug money, coup d’etats & global corporations in Honduras, staunch “democratic ally” of US & Canada

As a major drug-trafficking trial continues today in New York City against Honduran drug trafficker Geovanny Fuentes Ramirez (with direct ties to current president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez, fully supported partner of the US and Canada since the 2009 military coup ousted Honduras’ last democratically elected government), Karen Spring sets out in detail how narcotrafficking has infiltrated the highest levels of the Honduran state (government, military, police) and how organized crime networks partner with and launder drug money through extractive industry projects.

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Aura Minerals/Minosa continues harmful mining operation in Honduras, despite Supreme Court ruling Supported by President Juan Orlando Hernandez's regime

March 13, 2021, Movimiento Amplio (
Our colleague Héctor Antonio Trigueros, community and environmental defender from Azacualpa (La Unión, Copán), suffered an attack in which his motorcycle was seriously damaged, while he was unharmed. According to Hector, he was at a friend's house and left his motorcycle parked when a vehicle ran over it. "A 2.5 vehicle, with license plate PDP 3572, wiped out my motorcycle I had it parked outside my friend's house, leaving my motorcycle in a bad state".

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Day 4 (March 11): Drug-trafficking trial in New York against Honduran military regime, staunch “democratic ally” of US & Canada

"Los Cachiros [drug trafficking cartel] bribed President Juan Orlando Hernandez (JOH) with $250,000 in approx. 2012. The money was given to JOH’s sister, Hilda Hernandez. Los Cachiros paid Manuel Zelaya $500,000 asking him to name their cousin as the Minister of Security. Also, Los Cachiros paid $500,000 to current Vice President Ricardo Alvarez, at the time he was campaigning to be President, and also paid $50,000 to Tony Hernandez (JOH’s brother – a convicted drug trafficker, in jail in the US)."

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