Guilty. Honduran government-linked cocaine trafficker Geovanny Fuentes Ramirez guilty on all counts

Until his arrest by the DEA in 2020, Geovanny Fuentes Ramirez -“GFR”- was a powerful, murderous, cocaine trafficker. He facilitated shipments of large loads of cocaine to the US, by bribing the US and Canadian-backed President of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado, amongst others in the government, military and police.

Honduras - over the past 12 years - has been a standard-bearing 'Mafia-State' or 'Narco-State'.

President Orlando Hernández (staunch “democratic ally” of the US and Canada since the June 28, 2009 US and Canadian-backed coup ousted Honduras’ last democratically elected government) instructed GFR to report directly to Tony Hernandez, the president’s brother, who was at the time a congressman and member of the ruling National Party.

“In or about 2013, FUENTES RAMIREZ paid a bribe of at least approximately $25,000 to Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado (“JOH”), who was at the time president of the Honduran National Congress, and allowed JOH to access millions of dollars’ worth of cocaine from FUENTES RAMIREZ’s laboratory. In connection with negotiations relating to the laboratory, JOH told FUENTES RAMIREZ that he was interested in access to the laboratory because of its proximity to Puerto Cortés, a key shipping port on the northern coast of Honduras. JOH also told FUENTES RAMIREZ that the Honduran armed forces would provide security, and that Óscar Fernando Chinchilla Banegas, the Attorney General of Honduras, would help protect FUENTES RAMIREZ’s drug trafficking activities. JOH instructed FUENTES RAMIREZ to report directly to JOH’s brother, Juan Antonio Hernández Alvarado (“Tony Hernández”), for purposes of their drug trafficking partnership. Finally, JOH told FUENTES RAMIREZ that he wanted to make the DEA think that Honduras was fighting drug trafficking, but that instead he was going to eliminate extradition and “stuff drugs up the gringos’ noses,” referring to flooding the United States with cocaine.”

“In October 2019, Tony Hernández was convicted of the same offenses as FUENTES RAMIREZ, as well as an additional count of making false statements to the DEA.

Full statement

Honduran National Convicted On Drug Trafficking And Weapons Charges
Department of Justice, US Attorney’s Office, Southern District of New York, March 22, 2021

What happens to a US and Canadian-backed drug-trafficking regime in the middle of a forest?
If a corrupt, repressive US and Canadian-backed government traffics cocaine in the middle of the forest, for over a decade, will any US or Canadian politicians or prosecutors investigate the legal liability of US and Canadian government officials and politicians for their policies and actions? Will any US or Canadian media outlets properly investigate and call for political and legal consequences?

Juan Orlando Hernandez –“JOH”- with US and Canadian leaders whose governments have supported and worked closely with JOH and the Honduran regime since the June 28, 2009 military coup ousted Honduras’ last democratically elected government.

Juan Orlando Hernandez –“JOH”- with US and Canadian leaders whose governments have supported and worked closely with JOH and the Honduran regime since the June 28, 2009 military coup ousted Honduras’ last democratically elected government.

In-depth background articles
Drug money, coup d’etats & global corporations in Honduras
NACLA Report on the Americas, by Karen Spring,

“Shithole countries”: US government promises pathway to citizenship for 11 million people, but will the US, Canada and “international community” continue to treat Honduras and Guatemala like “shithole countries”, creating ever more forced migrants and refugees?
By Grahame Russell, Rights Action, February 9, 2021,

More information

Act / Stir up the pot / Chip away
Keep sending copies of Rights Action information (and that of other solidarity groups/ NGOs) to family, friends, your networks, politicians and media, asking ‘Why do our governments, companies and investment firms benefit from and turn a blind eye to poverty, repression and violence, environmental and health harms that caused the forced migrancy / refugee crisis in Guatemala and Honduras?’