Guatemala Election Watch #41

Luz Emilia Ulario Zavala: A Voice to Defend Democracy
Day 43 of nationwide democracy defense protests

On August 20, 2023, President-elect Bernardo Arevalo & VP-elect Karin Herrera (of the Semilla Party) won the elections. They are slated to assume the Presidency and control of executive branch of government on January 14, 2024. Since well before August 20, the Pacto de Corruptos (‘Covenant of the Corrupt’) government and traditional elites of Guatemala – longtime “democratic allies” of the U.S., Canada, E.U., World Bank and transnational corporations – have been trying to block or overthrow the results.

2 months, 1 day until Jan.14, 2024 transfer of power

Stay tuned … This is not over

A voice to defend democracy

Luz Emilia Ulario Zavala, Indigenous mayor of Santa Lucía Utatlán, spoke to Prensa Comunitaria about a month of demonstrations and their impact on the communities. Credits / Photos: Mario Godínez, Text: Isela Espinoza, Design: Estuardo de Paz

“The Indigenous mayor's offices, in addition to providing justice in our localities, we also watch over our territory, address social problems and raise the voice of our people.”

“The staff does not give us power but authority".

“This [pro-democracy struggle] has achieved the organization of the society as a whole. Previously the struggle was individual, by villages, but now we have achieved unity".

"Government officials have realized the unity of the population and are using tricks to dismantle us."

"Our unity is having an effect. The president of the Congress has already been stripped of her visa. Although the population does not see it, the individual wealth interests [of the powerful] are being affected and this will have an impact".

"We live in a country where everything is corruption. Practically speaking our mindset is: these people are already sold out, because the culture of the country is all about money.”

"I am the voice of the people who say we are on the wrong path but don't dare express it."

"The highways and roads are for the people their public square. They are the place where you can go to demonstrate and it has come to that because the institutions and especially the President do not have the capacity to engage in a dialogue to be able to serve the people.”

"The discontent continues. Corruption continues. The co-optation of the state continues. The economic blockade on health and education services continues despite the fact that we are in resistance."

“Our demands continue. What we want is for there really to be a real change of power".

“We rely heavily on values, on principles. Our system (of justice) is restorative, not punitive. On the other hand, the Western system only thinks about punishing and fining. That doesn't improve or change a person.”

“The indignation that overflowed the cup was the seizure of the electoral boxes. The population then thought what was the point if they invite us to vote and then do not respect our vote."

Electoral coup d’etat: ‘Death by a 1000 cuts’

It is impossible to keep up with the ‘death by a 1000 cuts’ attacks being carried out by the ‘covenant of the corrupt’ government and traditional elites against the victory of President-elect Bernardo Arevalo and VP-elect Karin Herrera of the Semilla Party.

Rights Action calls for Americans and Canadians to keep sharing these informations widely (including media outlets), and to contact your Senators, Members of Congress and Parliamentarian, urge them to publicly support the Semilla Party and President-elect Bernardo Arevalo and VP-elect Karin Herrera, and to support calls for the main coup plotters to resign: Attorney General Consuelo Porras, special prosecutor Rafael Curruchiche, Judge Fredy Orellana.

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