Angelica Choc and Lote 8 women speak out

About repression and arbitrary raids carried out by Guatemalan regime forces on behalf of illegal operation of 'Fenix' mine owned by Swiss company Solway Investment Group (and CGN subsidiary)

Communique: From Angelica Choc to Rights Action

El Estor, Izabal
October 27, 2021

Grahame Russell, Rights Action and friends,

Please note and share: Today (Oct.27), at 06:00am, a contingent of armed Guatemalan government security forces - including DIC, PNC, MP, Army, Army PM, FEP, Anti-Narcotics Division - entered the homes of Angelica Choc and her son, Professor Luis Adolfo Ich Choc, to carry out raids at the same time.

In front of Angelica’s house, Oct.27, 2021

Inside our houses, there were minors, and the pregnant wife of Professor Luis Ich. They entered when we were still sleeping. We were frightened. We had a nervous breakdown, when we received such a large number of armed security personnel. Without saying a word, they executed the search warrant, without justifying the reasons for the search.

It is unfortunate the Guatemalan government is repressing the population and criminalizing indigenous leaders who watch over the rights of the Maya Q'eqchi’ peoples. How outrageous, the actions of the government, defending Swiss/Russian interests, defending the mining company Solway Investment Group (Switzerland)/ and its CGN Pronico subsidiary. The company is still operating the 'Fenix' mine despite the fact that in 2019 the Constitutional Court issued an order to suspend mining operations.

After raid, at home, then at health clinic with a son

I, Angelica Choc, fear for the life of my family and the safety of my family. I hold the government of Guatemala and company Solway Investment Group / CGN PRONICO responsible for any risk or attempt against my life and my family.

NO more criminalization of human rights defenders and defenders of indigenous peoples. Enough repression.

Angelica Choc

Video: Angelica Choc and Lote 8 women denounce mining repression linked to Solway Investment Group

Urgent Action, October 27, 2021
Mining repression against Angelica Choc, German Chub and 100s of Maya Q’eqchi’ land / human rights defenders,

Send urgent letters to

More information

TESTIMONIO: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala
Edited by UNBC Professor Catherine Nolin & Rights Action’s Grahame Russell

“In Guatemala, it is not possible to operate a large-scale mine (let alone just about any large-scale economic “development” project in the sectors of hydroelectric dams, garment sweatshops, for-export production of African palm, sugar cane, bananas, and more) without participating in and benefiting from human rights violations and repression, corruption, and impunity.”