8th anniversary of assassination of Berta Caceres by U.S. & Canadian-backed Honduran narco-dictatorship

March 2nd marks 8th anniversary of assassination of Berta Caceres and attempted assassination of Gustavo Castro, shot and left for dead that same night.

The Quest for Justice for Berta Cáceres Faces Serious Obstacles|
COPINH Communication, February 16, 2024

The Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) continues its tireless struggle for justice in the case of the murder of Berta Cáceres, leader of the Lenca people who was assassinated during her struggle against the Agua Zarca hydroelectric dam in Río Blanco.Despite some progress in the judicial process, the confirmation of sentences for those responsible has not been confirmed to date. Below, we share a summary of the current status of the case and the importance of securing justice for the Cáceres family, COPINH and all victims involved.

Is there justice for the murder of Berta Cáceres?

The murder of Berta Cáceres has left a deep wound in the struggle for human rights in Honduras. Despite advances in the case, it is crucial to understand that they are at risk.

In November 2018, a landmark verdict convicted seven men for the murder of the Indigenous leader and human rights defender. However, to date, the sentences have not been confirmed, and since 2022, the wait for the confirmation of the sentence of one of the main perpetrators, David Castillo, has generated concern.

Who is in custody for the murder of Berta Cáceres?

Among those implicated in the assassination are prominent names. David Castillo, former executive director of the company Desarrollos Energéticos SA (DESA), owned by the Atala Zablah family, was identified as a co-perpetrator of Berta Cáceres' crime. In addition, Sergio Ramón Rodríguez Orellana, manager of DESA's social, environmental and communications area, is also involved, accused of identifying Berta Cáceres as a target to eliminate opposition to the project. Other members of a hit squad, such as Mariano Diaz Chávez, Elvin Heriberto Rápalo Orellana, Henry Javier Hernández Rodríguez and Edilson Atilio Duarte Meza, were also implicated in the murder of Berta Cáceres.

Why is justice for the murder of Berta Cáceres in jeopardy?

Despite the progress made in the case, the Honduran legal system has not yet definitively ratified the sentences for those responsible for the murder of Berta Cáceres. It is vital to understand the obstacles preventing this pending judicial step. In November 2018, seven men were found guilty, but the defendants filed an appeal for cassation, putting the confirmation of the sentences at risk. This appeal is used to review whether errors of law were committed in the judicial process.

The case of David Castillo, found guilty in 2021, also faces the lack of confirmation of his sentence.

It is imperative that the sentence is confirmed and justice is provided to the family of Berta Cáceres, COPINH and all the victims involved in this case. Honduran society urgently awaits the confirmation of the sentences as a crucial step towards full justice.

From COPINH, we continue our struggle for justice and the memory of Berta Cáceres, a tireless human rights defender. It is crucial to maintain pressure and solidarity to ensure that justice prevails and to put an end to impunity in this emblematic case.

The delay in resolving the case and its impact on victims

It is critical to note that the time elapsed since the beginning of the process has reached a critical point, and the delay in resolving the case is having a significant impact on the victims and the search for justice. The delay in resolving this emblematic case sends a worrying message at the national and international level, calling into question the capacity of the Honduran justice system to act effectively and guarantee the fulfillment of fundamental rights.


8th anniversary of the assassination and sowing of Berta Caceres

Invitation from COPINH | Communication <comunicacion@copinh.org>

Eight years ago, on March 2, our compañera Berta Cáceres was taken from us. On this eighth anniversary, we gather to remember her legacy, a story of struggle against impunity, injustice and the voracity of economic and political powers that tried to silence her.

Berta was a rebel and a revolutionary. When we buried her in the earth she grew and flourished in every corner of the world.  As a committed militant, feminist, revolutionary, defending the territories with her body. Berta became millions.

We invite all organizations, collectives and communities in Honduras and the international community to be part of the commemoration of the life and courage of Berta Cáceres.

We ask that you confirm your participation through this email.

Saturday, March 2nd, 9:00 am.
Meeting and Friendship Center Utopia, La Esperanza, Intibucá

For Berta, all the truth, all the justice!

#JusticiaParaBerta #COPINH #YaNoHayTiempo #ConfirmenLasSentencias

More Information:

COPINH: copinh.org