Mayan “ruins” and territories in Guatemala could become US-funded & controlled tourism money scheme

In the harsh times of Covid19 in Guatemala, a country dominated by a corrupt, racist, military-backed, ‘open-for-global-business’ regime – fully supported by US and Canada, World Bank and IMF, a US-led consortium of investors seek to privatize Mayan territories and “ruins” for tourism adventures for mainly European and North American holiday travelers.

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Fork in road for Canadian foreign policy: Deepen ties with Washington, Five Eyes and NATO, or change course?

Ottawa Citizen article by Bianca Mugyenyi

In the midst of Covid19, Canadians debate “going back to normal” versus implementing real changes inside our borders related to: on-going legacies of colonialism and racism; systemic exploitation and economic inequality across the country; fossil fuels or a green way forward; on-going police and RCMP violence or real legal accountability and reform; etc.

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Aura Minerals linked threats against Azacualpa villager Maria Ermita Rodriguez, in times of Covid1

Two days after the Azacualpa Environmental Committee denounced the open-pit, cyanide-leeching mining operation of Aura Minerals and increased risk of spread of Covdi19 …
One day after the Azacualpa Environmental Committee –including Maria Ermita Rodriguez– collaborated with ASONOG to provide Covid19 related emergency food relief to local villagers

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