Covid19 update #3

“The most misleading cliche about Covid19 is that it treats us all the same. It doesn’t, neither medically nor economically, socially or psychologically. In particular, Covid-19 exacerbates preexisting conditions of inequality wherever it arrives. Before long, this will cause social turmoil, up to and including uprisings and revolutions.”
(Andreas Kluth)

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Covid19 update #2: We are not “all in this together”. There should be no “going back to normal”

Unless one means “we are all in this together” literally, like during the times of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and slave-based economies in the European-colonized lands of the Americas, then no we are not “all in this together”. Covid19 – and its varying direct and indirect impacts on humans inside nations and between nations across the planet – is exposing profound fault-lines of wealth and power / exploitation-poverty and powerlessness, and of racism.

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Where is COVID leading us, as one human community on the planet? “Will coronavirus signal the end of capitalism?”

Rights Action is providing COVID response funds to our partner groups in Honduras and Guatemala, that are taking the lead on trying to save lives in their own communities – given the corrupt, exploitative nature of their military-backed, ‘open for global business’ regimes that have no fundamental concern for the well-being of their majority populations.

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COVID-19 Response Fund, Guatemala and Honduras Exploited, discriminated communities taking the lead on Covid-19 prevention and emergency support work

Since March 15, 2020, Rights Action has been sending small grants (your donations) to community groups we have supported for years, courageous Indigenous and non-Indigenous people involved in land, human rights and environmental defense struggles related to mining and hydro-electric dams, tourism, and the ‘for export’ production of sugar cane and African palm.

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