Your Funds At Work

As of September 1, 2021, Rights Action sent $225,000 of your grants and individual donations to partner organizations, communities and individuals, mainly in Guatemala and Honduras.

Funds are used for: human rights and justice struggles; land and environmental defense struggles; and, emergency and disaster response work – particularly due to COVID (on-going) and hurricanes ETA and IOTA in late 2020. (More information about the work with our partners available on request.)

Forced migrancy & refugee flight
“The inevitable outcomes of conquest, capitalist globalization and climate change generating mass dispossession worldwide”

Rights Action’s September 2021 newsletter

The facemask does not coverup hunger and misery

The facemask does not coverup hunger and misery


Community defense & legal/justice struggles

  • CODIDENA and Parlamento Xinka: Resisting harmful mining and manipulated consultation process spear-headed by Canadian company Pan American Silver (formerly Tahoe Resource)

  • Gremial [Union] of Q’eqchi’ fisherpeople: Resisting harmful mining and manipulated consultation process spear-headed by Switzerland-based Solway Investment Group

  • Council of Q'eqchi' Peoples: Challenging manipulated consultation process related to Switzerland-based Solway Investment Group; work to achieve legal recognition of the Council

  • Mynor Padilla criminal trial (in Guatemala): For murder and aggravated assault by former head of security of Hudbay Minerals

  • Hudbay Minerals lawsuits in Canada: Seeking justice for mining-violence against 13 Q’eqchi’ victims-plaintiffs

  • Criminalization of Mayan community defenders: Support work for victims of trumped up criminal charges, including Maria Cuc Choc, land defender from El Estor

  • Justice struggles in Guatemalan courts: For harms caused by now closed Goldcorp Inc. mine; by Pan American Silver (formerly Tahoe Resources) in La Cuchilla village

  • Chaabil Choch village: Land defense struggle, addressed in Constitutional Court process

Community development & Environmental projects

  • ACPC ecological agriculture organization: Self-sufficiency, ecological agriculture production and education in Maya Achi communities of Xesiguan water-shed

  • Rio Negro community: Potable water system upgrade in Maya Achi village brutalized by World Bank and IDB-funded Chixoy Dam in 1980s

  • Lote 8 community: Pigs and chicken rearing project for victims of violent eviction-destruction of their village by armed forces working on behalf of Hudbay Minerals (Skye Resources)

Education: Schools & scholarships

  • El Estor: School and college studies, children of Q’eqchi’ land/ human rights/ environmental defenders

  • Rio Negro/Pacux refugee community: School and university studies, children of Achi genocide victims, including law degree of genocide survivor/justice defender

  • San Miguel Ixtahuacan: School and law studies, families of Mam community defenders who had been in resistance to Goldcorp Inc. harms and violence

Emergency relief funds: On-going COVID; Aftermath of Hurricanes ETA & IOTA

  • Campur community, Alta Verapaz

  • ACDIP organization, Peten

  • Q’eqchi’ land defenders, El Estor, Izabal

  • Patulul community, Suchitepequez

  • Achi communities, Rabinal, Baja Verapaz

  • German Chub: Health support for paralysis victim of Hudbay Minerals shooting

  • Refugee support: Forced migrants, Achi people from Baja Verapaz

Truth, Memory, Justice

  • Community commemoration: Feb.2, 1982, World Bank/IDB’s Chixoy dam Xococ massacre

  • Community commemoration: Mar.13, 1982, World Bank/IDB’s Chixoy dam Rio Negro massacre

  • COCAHICH: Chixoy Dam reparations campaign

  • CIRMA, Center for Mesoamerican Research

  • Carlos Ernesto, Prensa Comunitaria: Reports on climate disasters; mining resistance to Switzerland-based Solway Investment Group

  • FAMDEGUA, Family Members of Disappeared: Justice struggles, ‘Diario Militar’ and other war crimes cases

  • Todos Por Guatemala (Family Members in Exile): Justice struggles, ‘Diario Militar’ and other war crimes case


Azacualpa Environmental Committee: Resisting cemetery & community destruction related to U.S.-based Aura Minerals

  • Berta Caceres family: Family security; Justice struggle related to March 3, 2016 assassination of Berta, attempted killing of Gustavo Castro

  • Community commemoration: Assassination of Berta Caceres

  • Guapinol community: Resisting mining harms and corruption related to U.S.-based NUCOR; Justices struggle to gain freedom for community defenders/political prisoners

  • OFRANEH Garifuna land & human rights defense organization: Resisting harms and violence related to global (including Canadian and American) tourism operators, African palm exporters; SUNLA legal investigation into Honduran State forced disappearance of 4 community defenders, on July 18, 2020

  • PROHN-Net: Reporting on organized crime/ drug-trafficking trials against Honduran regime leaders

Emergency relief funds: On-going COVID; Aftermath of Hurricanes ETA & IOTA

  • Siria Valley Committee, Francisco Morazan

  • Mujeres Ambientalistas Progresenas, El Progreso

  • Refugee support: Victims of repression, asylum claimants in Canada and U.S.

Other countries

  • Mexico: Family security and health support for Gustavo Castro, victim of attempted killing during assassination of Berta Caceres

  • El Salvador: Jocoaitique historical memory, ex-combatants committee, COVID relief and community development

  • El Salvador: Herbert Anaya Sanabria Collective, January 16 ‘Acto de Desagravio’, El Mozote, Morazan

  • Argentina: Campaign in support of Milagro Sala and other political prisoners

  • Canada: Tiny House Warriors “our land is our home” land defense struggle

North-South education, investigations, activism

  • “Testimonio: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala”, book formatting and public outreach

  • Rights Action: North-south investigations and education; public and legal activism

  • GHRC, Guatemala Human Rights Commission: Human rights defenders program

Publication date: October 25, 2021
Canadian Mining in the Aftermath
of Genocides in Guatemala
Edited by Grahame Russell & Catherine Nolin