What’s at the Root of Mining Criticism in Guatemala?

Inter-American Dialogue, Latin America Advisor commentary (October 5, 2022) on Canadian company Bluestone Resources’ open-pit, cyanide-leaching gold mine plans in Guatemala.

"Residents of the Guatemalan town of Asunción Mita, near the border with El Salvador, on Sept. 18 voted against mining activity in the area. Canada-based Bluestone Resources, which owns the nearby Cerro Blanco gold project, called the referendum illegal, a viewpoint backed up by Guatemala’s Ministry of Energy and Mines. Additionally, the country’s Constitutional Court ruled Sept. 26 that the referendum was nonbinding. Some lawyers and activists argued that the vote was legitimate as it was held in accordance with the municipal code. To what extent could the referendum hinder mining activities in Guatemala? What is at the root of local opposition to mining in the Central American country? How well are Guatemala’s government and mining companies working with local communities, and what practices could lead to better outcomes for both sides? "

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TESTIMONIO-Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala
Edited by Professor Catherine Nolin (UNBC) & Grahame Russell (Rights Action)
Between The Lines, 2021

TESTIMONIO documents four land and territory, environmental and human rights defense struggles led by indigenous and non-indigenous people whose lives, livelihood and well-being are negatively and violently impacted by the imposed mining operations of mainly Canadian companies: Glamis Gold and Goldcorp Inc. in Maya Mam and Sipakapan territories; INCO, Skye Resources, Hudbay Minerals and now Solway Investment Group (Switzerland) in Maya Q’eqchi’ territories; Radius Gold and now KCA (USA); Tahoe Resources and now Pan American Silver in Xinka territories.

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Educational Fact-Finding Delegation To Guatemala, November 5-13, 2022
Are you interested in learning more about the wide range of mining related issues addressed in TESTIMONIO: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala?