Violent, corrupt elections in Honduras, ruled with iron fist by military-backed, Canada & U.S.-backed, narco-trafficking regime

Below: PBS report and New Yorker article

Ever since a U.S. and Canadian-backed military coup ousted Honduras’ last democratic government in 2009, the U.S. and Canada have supported 12 years of an utterly corrupt, repressive, ‘open-for-global-business’ regime.

The National Party government structure along with sectors of the military, police and judiciary, are involved in drug trafficking, not just President Juan Orlando Hernandez and his family.

Since 2009, the U.S. and Canadian governments have lied to the public, maintaining that Honduras has been and is a “democratic allie” and trustworthy business partner.

Recommend viewing
“Culture of silence, fear and government corruption exacerbate Honduras' drug problem”

New Yorker article
“The President of Honduras is a Narco-Trafficker. For decades, the U.S. has enabled and supported corruption and repression in Central America. Now, it contends with the results”

Warning to readers about New Yorker piece

  1. As with all his writing, Jon Lee Anderson refuses to acknowledge the always well-thought-out and planned intentions of all U.S. policies and actions in Central America, preferring to refer misleadingly to ‘hard choices’ the U.S. must make, as the U.S. supports corrupt, military-backed, ‘open-for-global-business’ regimes – calling them “democratic allies” - generation in, generation out.

  2. Anderson throws in a ‘de riguere’ and misleading criticism of the democratically-elected government of Nicaragua, as part of his overview of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

  3. Anderson leaves out any reference to the complicit policies and actions of other governments and actors in the misnamed “international community”, such as Canada, numerous global companies and banks, the World Bank, IDB and IMF, that have ‘legitimized’ and propped up 12 years of this Juan Orlando Hernandez led regime in Honduras.

Recommended information source

Karen Spring with Honduras Now
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Global Exchange is also doing election reporting from Honduras
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