Urgent Action : Mining repression against Angelica Choc, German Chub and 100s of Maya Q’eqchi’ land / human rights defenders

Repression being carried out on behalf of ‘Fenix’ mining operation owned by Swiss company Solway Investment Group (formerly Hudbay Minerals, Skye Resources, INCO)

As Rights Action sends this alert (October 27, 2021, 10:00am ET), heavily armed soldiers and police are surrounding and raiding the homes of German Chub, Angelica Choc, Maria Cuc Choc and numerous Ich-Choc family members, along with the homes of members of the Gremial de Pescadores and Campesinos, the Consejo Ancestral del Pueblo Q’eqchi’ and other Indigenous land and rights defenders.

  • Roads in and out of El Estor are controlled by military road-blocks

  • Lake Izabal is patrolled by naval boats, controlling movement of all small boats

  • Army / police helicopters are flying over-head

  • Drones are being used to monitor neighborhoods and movement of local Q’eqchi’ population

Under the Guatemalan regime’s ‘state of siege’ in the region, this crack down is being carried out on behalf of the ILLEGAL nickel mining operation of Solway Investment Group.

‘Fenix’ mining operation in Guatemala is ILLEGAL
Solway Investment Group & CGN, governments of Guatemala and Switzerland, responsable for repression that may occur
By Rights Action, October 20, 2021

Ever more mining repression against Maya Q’eqchi’ people in Guatemala

Illegal search and seizures
Heavily armed regime forces are

  • illegally entering peoples’ homes

  • illegally confiscating personal possessions, including documents, i-phones, laptops, etc.

  • illegally blocking bank accounts of community defenders.

All of this will lead assuredlyto the laying of more abusive, trumped-up criminal charges against many more land defenders.

Maya Q’eqchi’ women denounce mining repression linked to Solway Investment Group
Here, a short video. Seated and speaking is Angelica Choc (widow of Adolfo Ich, killed by Hudbay Minerals/CGN private security in 2009). With her, women from the village of Lote Ocho (victims of sexual abuse by soldiers and police, and Hudbay/Skye Resources private security, in 2007). They are 8 of the 13 plaintiffs in the Canadian lawsuits against Hudbay Minerals/CGN.

Emergency Response Fund
As we have done since 2004, Rights Action is doing our best to channel emergency human rights defense funds to people we have long worked with in the region, including German Chub, Angelica Choc and the Ich-Choc family, and all the plaintiffs in the Hudbay Minerals lawsuits in Canada; including the Gremial de Pescadores y Campesinos; including the Ancestral Council of Q’eqchi’ people.

Funds are needed to:

  • Help people flee El Estor, many by land into the mountains

  • Replace iphones and communication devices

  • Get emergency funds to families whose bank accounts are frozen

  • Provide food and shelter for people forced to leave El Estor

  • Help mobilize human rights activists to try and reach El Estor to bear witness

  • Prepare for ‘legal defense’ costs related to abusive-trumped up criminal charges

Send urgent letters to

  • Solway Investment Group: Baarerstrasse 8, 6300 Zug Switzerland, +41417400400 / bd@solwaygroup.com / media@solway.ch / www.solwaygroup.com

  • Embassy of Switzerland, Guatemala: +502 2367 5520 / guatemalacity@eda.admin.ch / sanjose@eda.admin.ch

  • Embassy of Switzerland, Canada: +1 613 235 1837 / ottawa@eda.admin.ch

  • Embassy of Switzerland, US: +1 202 745 7900 / washington@eda.admin.ch / washington.media@eda.admin.ch / washington.chancery@eda.admin.ch / washington.visa@eda.admin.ch

  • European Union Human Rights in Guatemala jennifer.echeverria@eeas.europa.eu

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