The global mining industry, and the Guatemalan state and government co-opted by criminal networks

The Hidden Story of a Notorious Guatemalan Nickel Mine

March 27, 2022, by Sandra Cuffe, The Intercept, in partnership with Forbidden Stories

This account of bribery, pollution and repression related to Solway Investment Group’s “Fenix” mine in Guatemala, is based on leaked documents of the company.

The Fenix nickel mine on the north shore of Lake Izabal, Guatemala, in January 2022.
Photo from The Intercept: Joe Parkin Daniels

TESTIMONIO: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala
The Intercept article re-confirms and adds to what is published in our book TESTIMONIO (by Between The Lines, 2021). In chapter 2, find an earlier article by Sandra Cuffe: “Mining in the Guatemalan Mafia State”.

Guatemalan Judge Erika Aifan forced into exile, facing death threats

Complimentary to The Intercept article and TESTIMONIO, that document the corruption, violence and impunity of wealthy and powerful Guatemalan elites and their ‘international community’ partners, this El Faro news article sets out in depressingly clear fashion how “The Guatemalan state and three branches of government have been co-opted by criminal networks. It is a megastructure, including international actors, rooted in Guatemala’s past”