Rights Action April 2022 Newsletter

Your Funds At Work

To date in 2022, Rights Action has sent $90,000 of your donations to support human rights and justice struggles, land, territory and environmental defense struggles, and emergency response work in Honduras and Guatemala, and also in El Salvador.

~ Guatemala ~

Community land, rights & justice defense struggles

  • Ancestral Council of Q’eqchi’ People. Resisting harmful mining operation of Switzerland-based Solway Investment Group and the Guatemalan regime’s military state of siege.

  • Gremial [Union] of Q’eqchi’ fisherpeople. Involved in same struggle as Ancestral Council of Q’eqchi’ People, as well as the Constitutional Court legal challenge against the illegal mining operation of Solway Investment Group

Based on leaked Solway Investment Group corporate documents,
Forbidden Stories and partners report on “Mining Secrets” - mining corruption
infiltrating highest levels of Guatemalan state and government


“Mining Secrets” archive
Articles published about the corruption, violence and harms of Solway Investment Group’s “Fenix” mine, operated in partnership with the corrupt, repressive U.S. and Canadian-backed Guatemalan regime.

Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence network. Human rights accompaniment for community defense struggles, including Bufete de Rabinal’s Achi women’s sexual assault and slavery case.

  • Bufete de Rabinal (Legal support clinic). Justice struggles for crimes against humanity cases from Achi territories, including the Achi women’s sexual assault and slavery case.

Weaving Justice with the 36 Maya Achi Women

CODIDENA (Diocese Defense of Nature committee). Resisting manipulated consultation process spear-headed by Canadian company Pan American Silver (formerly Tahoe Resource).

  • El Estor Q’eqchi’ land defenders. Support for 13 victims of mining violence, plaintiffs in landmark Hudbay Minerals lawsuits in Canada.

  • FAMDEGUA (Family Members of Disappeared). Numerous crimes against humanity justice struggles.

Victims continue to press for justice for wartime atrocities in Guatemala
Hope amidst the darkness:

“In the midst of this hostile counter-offensive by the oligarchy, conservative politicians, and former military officials against the rule of law, judicial independence, and anti-impunity efforts, survivors, families of the victims, and civil society organizations continue to press forward in their demands for justice.”

Guatemalan Judge Erika Aifan forced into exile, facing death threats

“The state and three branches of government have been co-opted by criminal networks. It is a megastructure, including international actors, rooted in Guatemala’s past”

Community development & Environmental projects

  • Q’eqchi’ women of Lote 8. Family subsistence projects for victims of violent eviction, burning of homes and property and violence caused by successive mining companies

Education: Schools & scholarships

  • El Estor: School and college studies, families of Q’eqchi’ land/ human rights/ environmental defenders resisting 60 years of nickel mining companies.

  • San Miguel Ixtahuacan: College studies and law degree, families of Mam community defenders who had been in resistance to Goldcorp’s gold mining operation.

Emergency relief funds

  • German Chub: health support, paralysis victim of mining repression.

  • Refugee support: forced migrants, Achi people from Baja Verapaz.

Truth, Memory, Justice

  • Commemoration: Achi victims of Feb.12, 1982, Xococ massacre, to make way for World Bank/IDB’s Chixoy dam investment project

  • Commemoration: Achi victims of Mar.13, 1982, Rio Negro massacre, to make way for World Bank/IDB’s Chixoy dam investment project

  • CIRMA, Center for Mesoamerican Research

  • Carlos Ernesto, Prensa Comunitaria: reporting on climate disasters, mining harms and community resistance struggles.

~ Honduras ~

  • Azacualpa Environmental Committee. Resisting theft of coffins and cemetery desecration, and community destruction by Aura Minerals’ cyanide-leaching, open-pit gold mine.

Write Aura Minerals to end theft of coffins and cemetery desecration

  • Berta Caceres family. Family security for mother, and participation in struggle for justice for assassination of her daughter and attempted killing of Gustavo Castro.

29 years on, COPINH continues struggle for indigenous rights in Honduras

CInPH (Coordinadora Indígena del Poder Popular de Honduras). Education and community mobilizing for transition back to democracy.

  • Guapinol community. Resisting mining harms and corruption, working for freedom for jailed community members.

  • Honduras Now. Karen Spring’s education and advocacy work for human rights, critically addressing impacts of U.S. and Canadian policies and neoliberalism.

  • Mujeres Ambientalistas Progresenas. Education and community mobilizing for transition back to democracy.

  • OFRANEH Garifuna land and rights defense organization. Resisting violence and corruption of tourism industry and African palm exporters; work for truth and justice for July 18, 2020, disappearance of 4 community defenders.

  • PROHN-Net. Reporting on organized crime/ drug-trafficking trials against Honduran regime leaders.


Ousted “President” Juan Orlando Hernandez,
for 12 years and 7 months a staunch “democracy ally’ of the U.S. and Canada

Juan Orlando Hernandez,
former US and Canadian-backed dictator of Honduras,
arrested on drug-trafficking charges


~ Other countries ~

  • El Salvador: Jocoaitique historic memory committee. Resisting government destruction of monument commemorating victims of 1981 U.S.-backed El Mozote massacre.

  • El Salvador: Herbert Anaya Sanabria Collective. Demanding justice for victims of El Mozote massacre.

  • Canada: Tiny House Warriors “our land is our home”. Struggle against “Coastal Gaslink” pipeline being forced across the territory of Wet’suwet’en Nation. (http://www.tinyhousewarriors.com/)


CBC The Current interview about
TESTIMONIO: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath off Genocides in Guatemala,
with Angelica Choc and Grahame Russell

Who is on the woman on the cover of TESTIMONIO?

Meet a Progressive: Global Solidarity Starts at Home
Interview with Grahame Russell, by Cyril Mychalejko

“Washing one’s hands of the conflict
between the powerful and the powerless
means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.”
Paolo Freire