On-going protests against Canadian, U.S., E.U., Australian support for & "justification" of 123 days of Ethnic Cleansing slaughter & destruction in Palestine

Toronto, February 4, 2024
All photos Rights Action, unless indicated
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It is impossible to overstate how deadly and destructive is the U.S., Canadian, E.U., Australian ethnic cleansing slaughter and destruction that continues unbated in Palestine. 

Consider listening to this Democracy Now interview - “After Losing Nearly 100 Relatives in Gaza, Palestinian American Doctor Refuses to Meet with Blinken” - with Dr. Tariq Haddad, a Palestinian American man who explains why he refused meet with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Urgent need to diversify media sources

Rights Action urges everyone to diversify their news sources. We suggest the daily news coverage provided by Al Jazeera news (https://www.aljazeera.com; @AJEnglish) and Democracy Now (www.democracynow.org; @democracynow). These are not the only other sources, and it is not a question of agreeing with every story they cover, but they provide serious media reporting on the Israel/Palestine situation, and are a necessary antidote to the oftentimes misleading and actually harmful reporting coming from much of the government and corporate media in the U.S., E.U., Australia and Canada.

Genocides, from Guatemala to Gaza

Rights Action does not lightly or casually denounce Israel’s policies and actions in Palestine. We do not lightly or casually denounce U.S. and Canadian, E.U. and Australian fully complicity and harmful “justifications”.

For decades, Rights Action has funded and supported community-led human rights and justice, land and environmental defense struggles in Guatemala and Honduras. At the same time, Rights Action has worked to expose, denounce and hold accountable the U.S. and Canadian governments and militaries, and North American companies and banks (including the World Bank and IADB), if and when their policies and actions contribute to, or directly cause the systemic harms and violences that the majority poor Guatemalans and Hondurans suffer from and are resisting.

While repression and violence against the populations of Guatemala and Honduras have long histories, and while the situation in Israel and Palestine has its own history, in recent times it would be the years of U.S.-backed genocides and country-wide massacres across Guatemala in the late 1970s, early 1980s, that most directly compare with the mass killing and ethnocidal violence and destruction occurring daily in Gaza since October 7.

Rights Action echoes these demands

  • Immediate and permanent ceasefire.

  • Massive delivery of comprehensive humanitarian relief to Palestinians across Gaza and the West Bank.

  • Release of all hostages, political prisoners and illegally detained people in Palestine and Israel.

  • Then support, for as long as it takes, comprehensive negotiations (including truth and justice processes) that address the extreme death, suffering and destruction happening right now (beginning on October 7), and that address the historic root causes, going back to 1948 and establishment of Israel, the establishment of Israel’s apartheid system, the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and lives, and the on-going colonialist settler expansionism.

Learn more / Take action in U.S. and Canada