La Puya Mining Resistance Struggle Webinar, December 6

La Puya Mining Resistance Struggle in Guatemala, Against Corruption & Machinations of U.S. company Kappes, Cassiday & Associates (KCA) 

Rights Action encourages folks to attend this webinar with the La Puya resistance struggle in Guatemala.

Hosted by the Institute for Policy Studies, this event will provide updates and insight to the case brought against Guatemala by Kappes, Cassidy and Associates, an American mining company, and how it is affecting the resistance struggle and the surrounding communities

Photo of Alvaro Sandoval of the La Puya Resistance in Guatemala
PC: Brian Gorlick

Since 2012, first Radius Gold, a Canadian company, and now Kappes Cassiday & Associates, an American company, have attempted to operate an illegal mine in the municipalities of San Jose del Golfo and San Pedro Ayampuc, just outside of Guatemala City.

Since the exploration phase, the communities have adamantly opposed this mine and have peacefully resisted in a 24/7 live-in blockade at a spot known as 'La Puya" near the entrance to the mine. They have experienced violence and assassination attempts, threats, harassment, and a militarization of the area.

10 years later, they persist, peacefully, in defense of water and territory, land and community well-being.

In 2016, the Guatemalan Supreme Court of Justice suspended the mine due to a lack of prior consultation with the communities. While this suspension remains in effect, KCA has been working tirelessly pushing for a redo of the process in attempts for a government controlled 'consultation' process to favor their mining operation.

In addition, as a push back to the court ordered suspension, in 2018 KCA filed a claim in the World Bank - a so-called arbitrer of corporate versus government disputes - against the Guatemalan Government for $400 million for lost potential earnings.

For more information and background, visit our archives on the struggle.

Left is a sign posted at the encampment "Mining is Death and Destruction". PC: Alex Pedersen
Right is Felisa Muralles telling us her story as a member of the resistance struggle. PC: Camila Rich