How Canada Propped Up The Honduran Narco-Regime

Kawsachun News interview with Grahame Russell, Rights Action

As Right Action celebrates the democratic decision of the Honduran people to oust the drug-trafficking, military backed regime of President Juan Orlando Hernandez, in 2022 we will continue with work to expose the endemic corruption, exploitation and repression of the undemocratic regime in power in Guatemala.

We will continue with work to denounce the policies and actions of the US and Canadian governments – and numerous North American companies – in ‘legtimizing’, supporting and propping up undemocratic, ‘open for global business’ regimes in Guatemala, Honduras and beyond.

How Canada Propped Up The Honduran Narco-Regime
Dec 30, 2021, Kawsachun News

In this interview with Kawsachun News, Grahame Russell – director of Rights Action – talks about Canada's role in (following the lead of the US) supporting the June 28, 2009 military coup in Honduras, and then supporting and ‘legitimizing’ 12 years and 5 months of drug-trafficking, repressive, ‘open for global business’ regimes.

Grahame talks of how the current government led by Prime Minister Trudeau maintains the same imperialist policies as previous Conservative party governments. Grahame talks of the role of the media misreporting on 12 years and 5 months of Canadian policies and actions in Honduras, and on the challenges for the Canadian public in whose name, and with whose tax-payer money, the Canadian government is acting in such an un-democratic manner.

Kawsachun News