Guatemala Election Watch #33

“We have no president”
Nationwide pro-democracy strike in Guatemala

Below: Selected photos/screenshots from X [twitter] feed of Prensa Comunitaria

Across the entire country, Guatemalans are resolved to oust the corrupt, exploitative, military-backed regime - longtime “democratic allie” of the U.S., Canada and E.U. – that is trying to overthrow/block the August 20, 2023 elections won by President-elect Bernardo Arevalo and VP-elect Karin Herrera.

Day 10 - Nationwide pro-democracy strike
3 months, 3 days until Jan.14, 2024 transfer of power
This is far from over

“Guatemala – 9 days of peaceful, indigenous, community-based, popular resistance”

Today, on the 10th day of historic nationwide protests, roadblocks and strikes, Guatemalans are demanding the resignation of Consuleo Porras (head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office), Rafael Curruchiche (anti-corruption prosecutor) and many other government and state officials accused of corruption and impunity, who are trying to undermine the recent elections.

Villagers in Sayaxché, Petén, have shut down the road that connects the departments of Alta Verepaz (to the south) and Peten.

“[President] Giammattei, if you have one ounce of dignity, you would resign - corrupt, shameless person. Sayaxche, PRESENT!”

“Guatemala paralysed as pro-democracy protests run into second week”

This BBC report (October 10, 2023, about the nationwide pro-democracy strike makes no mention of the fact that since a U.S.-backed coup ousted Guatemala’s 10 years of democracy in 1954 (Guatemala’s only period of actual democracy), the U.S., Canada and the E.U. – and countless global banks and companies, including the World Bank, IMF – have maintained close to full political and diplomatic, military and economic relations with 70 years of corrupt, military backed governments – including the current government that is orchestrating the corrupt, illegal ‘death-by-a-1000-cuts’ attack on the August 20, 2023.

“Guatemala Floreceras” (Guatemala will flower again) is chanted as ancestral Indigenous leaders carry out a ceremony in front of the Attorney General’s Office demanding the resignation of the corrupt head of the AG, Consuelo Porras.

Peaceful pro-democracy / anti-electoral coup protesters in Bethania, on the outskirts of Guatemala City, forced anti-riot police troops to retreat with no violence. The local population keeps the main roads shut, except for emergency vehicles.

"We don't have a president do we, people?"

Tiktokers "HermanosPacheco", together with the people of Totonicapán, sent a message to President Giammattei: "We don't have a president do we, people?"

In Solola, the Tuctuqueros organization prepared lunch for the people occupying the road between Santiago Atitlán and San Pedro La Laguna, demanding the resignation of Consuelo Porras and other corrupt government and state officials.

Residents holding peaceful demonstration in Xayá Pixcayá flee tear gas bombs.

Images from day 4 of the nationwide pro-democracy strike

Out with the ‘pacto de corruptos’ / covenant of the corrupt.

Electoral coup d’etat: ‘Death by a 1000 cuts’

It is impossible to keep up with the attacks being carried out, daily, by the ‘covenant of the corrupt’ government and allies on the electoral process and against the Semilla Party – a ‘death by a 1000 cuts’ strategy, let alone increasing repression against protesters, judges, lawyers and prosecutors.

Rights Action calls for Americans and Canadians to keep sharing these informations widely (including media outlets), and to contact your Senators, Members of Congress and Parliamentarian, urge them to publicly support the Semilla Party and President-elect Bernardo Arevalo and VP-elect Karin Herrera, and to support calls for the main coup plotters to resign: Attorney General Consuelo Porras, special prosecutor Rafael Curruchiche, Judge Fredy Orellana.

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