End of a NarcoState in Honduras?

Rights Action recommends this article (London Review of Books) on the November 28, 2021 elections in Honduras

End of a Narcostate?
November 26, 2021, by John Perry

Rights Action offers two comments for consideration

Role of Canadian government and other actors in “international community”
The 2009 military coup that ousted Honduras’ last democratically elected government was legitimized and supported by the U.S. government and by the Canadian government.

Canada’s policies and actions since the day of the coup have been crystal clear and consistent, publicly following lock-step the policies and actions of the U.S.

And ever since the coup, 12 years of corrupt, repressive, ‘open-for-global-business’ Honduran regimes have been legitimized and fully supported by the U.S. government and military, but also and importantly by Canada, Spain and the EU, the World Bank, IADB and IMF, and a host of global corporations.

The complicity with and support for the ‘open-for-global-business’ Honduran narco-regime is broader than just the U.S., though they play the main role.

The challenges that a majority of Hondurans faces are therefore more complicated and worse.

Not a “failed state”
Following from this, Honduras is not a “failed state”.

It is a government – corrupt, repressive, anti-democratic – doing exactly what the Honduran military, economic and political elites (the very people who carried out the 2009 coup) want the State to do, which is to promote and defend the economic interests of the elites and global corporations/ investors/ consumers; and to promote the political interests of the U.S. and this so-called “international community”.

The Honduran narco-regime is using the State to do exactly what the U.S. and this cabal of “international community” supporters want it to do.

It is a very intentional State.

Grahame Russell, Rights Action


More information

Karen Spring, Honduras Now
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