Democracy Now! Special on the Weather Underground

We highly encourage folks to listen to Democracy Now!'s special last month on the radical activist group born out of the Civil Rights Movement and in opposition to the Vietnam War: the Weather Underground.

For further listening we recommend: Mother Country Radicals. The new podcast on the Weather Underground, by Zayd Ayers Dohrn, son of Weather Underground Leaders.

"Now Zayd takes us back to the 1970s, when his parents and their young friends in the Weather Underground Organization declared war on the United States government. They brawled with riot cops on the streets of Chicago, bombed the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol, broke comrades out of prison, and teamed up with Black militant groups to rob banks, fight racism – and help build a revolution."

Democracy Now!

"Democracy Now! produces a daily, global, independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Our reporting includes breaking daily news headlines and in-depth interviews with people on the front lines of the world’s most pressing issues. On Democracy Now!, you’ll hear a diversity of voices speaking for themselves, providing a unique and sometimes provocative perspective on global events...

As an independent news program, Democracy Now! is audience-supported, which means that our editorial independence is never compromised by corporate or government interests. Since our founding in 1996, Democracy Now! has held steadfast to our policy of not accepting government funding, corporate sponsorship, underwriting or advertising revenue."

Beyond this segment, we recommend including Democracy Now! as part of your usual news intake. It provides a platform for perspectives and voices that are intentionally left out of mainstream media. 

Their daily news program is available as a podcast or at