Clarified "congratulatory remarks" by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Honduras’ “independence” day

Rights Action forwards these remarks by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Honduras’ day of “independence”, adding in a few clarifying edits to help present the true meaning and implications of Secretary of State Blinken’s "congratulatory" statement.

Honduras National Day
Statement by Antony J. Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State
On behalf of the Government of the United States, I congratulate Hondurans on their very special 201st Independence Day.
[For 12 years and 7 months, successive Democrat and Rupublican governments of the United States maintained mutually beneficial economic, military and diplomatic relations with the compliant, military-backed, repressive and corrupt regimes of Narco-Presidents Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo and Juan Orlando Hernandez, and their National Party. Closely, we worked with and supported these democratic allies as they corrupted most institutions of the Honduran government and State, including the judiciary, military and police, as they forced record numbers of desperate Hondurans to flee into exile, and as organized crime, including drug-trafficking cartels, infiltrated the highest levels of government, its institution, the military and police.]

[Now,] with the historic inauguration of President Xiomara Castro in January, the U.S.-Honduras relationship entered a productive new phase.  We now collaborate more closely than ever to address our countries’ shared challenges, which include upholding democratic governance, promoting economic prosperity, and ensuring security for all Hondurans [, all of which were devastated and corrupted by our previous 12 years, 7 months of full support for successive military-backed, narco-regimes.]

Successfully addressing these challenges will give Hondurans a brighter future at home.  Steadfastly side-by-side with the Honduran government and people, we also joined together in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The United States donated over five million vaccine doses, including pediatric vaccines, to Honduras through the COVAX mechanism.
We look forward to building a healthy, democratic, secure, and prosperous future together [if the newly elected, actually democratic government is successful in pulling her country, exploitative economy, and legal and political institutions out of the deep hole of corruption and dysfunctionality that we helped throw them in.]

The people of the United States wish Hondurans everywhere a very happy Independence Day, [and hope we do not have to plan and/or carry out any more illegal, violent, regime change coups because your democratic governments implement policies and programs against our interests].
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