Bluestone Resources tries to start up fraudulently licensed mine in Guatemala

Below: Madre Selva Collective denounces open pit mine in Guatemala of Bluestone Resources of Canada

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More predictable Canadian mining harms and human rights violations to come
In the conclusion to our forthcoming book “Testimonio: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala” (edited by Catherine Nolin & Grahame Russell), that documents 15 years of harmful, repressive mining operations of Goldcorp Inc. (Glamis Gold), Hudbay Minerals (Skye Resources), Pan American Silver (Tahoe Resources) and KCA (Radius Gold), we write:

“We reiterate here an underlying conclusion of our work and this book: It is not possible to operate a large-scale mine in Guatemala (let alone just about any large-scale economic “development” project in the sectors of hydro-electric dams, garment “sweatshop” industry, “for-export” production of African palm, sugar cane, bananas, and more) without participating in and benefitting from human rights violations and repression, corruption and impunity.”

These underlying conditions (endemic corruption and impunity, racism and repression by the military-backed government and economic elites) remain entrenched in Guatemala. Significant environmental harms and human rights violations will predictably occur in Guatemalan and El Salvadoran border communities impacted by Bluestone Resources’ pending mine operation.

This is known by the mining industry, Guatemala, El Salvadoran and Canadian governments.

Grahame Russell

Madre Selva Collective denounces fraudulent open pit mine in Guatemala of Bluestone Resources of Canada
May 1, 2021, MadreSelva COLLECTIVE

It is with indignation that we have learned that Bluestone Resources of Canada (TSXV: BSR; US-OTC; BBSRF), owner of the "Cerro Blanco" mining project (in Asunción Mita, Jutiapa, Guatemala), will hold a May 1st meeting with inhabitants of the Cerro Blanco village, without prior and sufficient information, to announce that their fraudulent project will open soon and that it will change from tunnel mining to open pit mining, which will cause irreversible damage to the environment and contaminate the OSTUA-GUIJA-LEMPA watershed that crosses from Guatemala into El Salvador.

WE ALERT our Salvadoran brothers and sisters and the population of Asuncion Mita to stop this destructive project, product of corporate greed, that despises life and the rights of people, which will pollute and leave the future without water.

WE DEMAND that the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN, of Guatemala) not approve an environmental license for this project that should have been cancelled 20 years ago and was fraudulently approved.

In any case, the entire Municipality of Asuncion Mita should be duly informed and consulted as well as the Salvadoran people who will receive the contaminated water from Guatemala.

We demand the cancellation of the licenses granted by the MEM (Ministry of Energy and Mines) that were granted with undue privileges to the company.

For respect of human rights for a dignified life, we call on the Human Rights Ombudspersons of Guatemala and El Salvador to fulfill their roles as defenders of the rights of the people and act to stop human rights violations.


Mining industry article
Bluestone’s Cerro Blanco on course to be a multi-million ounce, low-cost gold mine
By Northern Miner staff, March 8, 2021

“Testimonio: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala
In October 2021, Between the Lines will publish “Testimonio”, co-edited by Grahame Russell and Catherine Nolin. This book was initially dropped by Springer Nature over libel chill.