Arbitrary detention of Julio Anselmo Toc Mucu - Solway Investment Group, CGN-PRONICO continue attacking Q'eqchi' people

Council of Q'eqchi' Ancestral Authorities
El Estor, Izabal, Guatemala
March 23, 2022

The Guatemalan State continues to violate the rights of indigenous peoples in the municipality of El Estor, at the request of the mining company Solway Investment Group (Suisa-Russia) and CGN-Pronico.


Solway Investment Group’s ever expanding open-pit nickel mining operation,
on Maya Q’eqchi’ territories in Eastern Guatemala.


As Council of Q'eqchi' Ancestral Authorities, we regret what happened on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. Young Julio Anselmo Toc Mucu was captured at noon when he was on his way home for lunch after a day of work.

He is the son of Julio Anselmo Toc, vice-president of the Fishermen's Union (“Gremial”) and member of the Council. Together, the Council and the Gremial organized peaceful protests against the illegal mining operation of Solway Investment Group / CGN-PRONICO, a company that at no time respected the decisión of the Constitutional Court, ordering the suspension of the mine.

The illegal mining operation is also evidenced by the persecution of the community leaders who were involved in the peaceful protests in October 2021.

As Ancestral Authorities we are concerned because there are at least 12 arrest warrants issued against members of the Council and Gremial who were involved in the protests, when we demanded that our rights as indigenous peoples be respected.

Solway and CGN-PRONICO have co-opted the State of Guatemala to carry out a supposed pre-consultation and consultation process in favor of the company. The reality is different. The indigneous peoples of El Estor, Izabal were never consulted so that this company could opérate in our territories.

They bought COCODES (local leadership committees) to vote in favor of Solway, CGN-PRONICO. There were only three auxiliary mayors in favor of this mafia that swindles the people of El Estor: the mayor of San Francisco, the mayor of El Centro, the mayor of Tres Quebradas - Mr. Carlos Coc together with Romel Adelson Reyes and the municipal mayor Joel Lorenzo Flores are the ones who enriched themselves with their deals with the Swiss-Russians.

How disturbing that these people deceive their own people.

Given this situation, we state that the young Julio Anselmo Toc Mucu was never in the protests of October, 2021. He has never been involved in these mobilizations. He has always been an honest and hardworking person. For this reason we reject the crimes of which he is accused.

These companies do not want us to raise our voices, demanding that our rights as Indigenous Peoples be respected.

We hope that our authorities do the right thing and soon release young Julio Anselmo Toc, who was illegally detained.

Enough abuses against our Q'eqchi' brothers and sisters.
No more looting and destruction of our lakes and hills.

Council of Ancestral Q'eqchi' Authorities
Facebook: Council of Q'eqchi' Ancestral Authorities

We will continue in resistance until this mining company closes down
and that it ceases to destroy our natural resources.

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Rights Action (US & Canada)
Since 1995, Rights Action funds land and environment, justice and human rights defense struggles in Guatemala and Honduras. We also provide emergency relief funds (Covid19, hurricanes, victims of repression, etc.).

At the same time, Rights Action works to hold accountable the U.S. and Canadian governments, multi-national companies, investors and banks (World Bank, etc.) that help cause and profit from exploitation and poverty, repression and human rights violations, environmental harms, corruption and impunity in Honduras and Guatemala.

Act / Stir up the pot / Chip away … in the “Hunger Games” global economic, political order
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