A measure of justice for Honduran victims of US-backed military atrocities in the 1980s?

After suffering 13 years under the boot of the US and Canadian-backed “Open for global business” Narco Regime from 2009-2022, the Honduran government led by President Xiomara Castro continues with small steps to chart a new direction for the country, including presenting a bill to Congress to establish a reparations program for victims of the US-backed military regimes of the 1980s.

‘They’ve hidden the past from us’: New bill in Honduras seeks to rectify 1980s human rights violations

By Michael Fox, The World, May 29, 2024

In Honduras, family members of the victims of state violence in the 1980s have been marching for 40 years to demand justice for the disappearance and death of their loved ones. Now, there’s a chance they may see reparations. An unprecedented bill that would provide compensation for the family members of the victims is working its way through Congress.

In June 1981, Berta Oliva was three months pregnant and had only been married for four months when she witnessed the kidnapping of her husband by the country’s death squad. “I was there when they took him away from me,” she said, adding, “I am a witness to the brutality. I am a survivor of that moment.”

Back then, Honduras — unlike its neighbors — wasn’t immersed in war, but its government was authoritarian and violent. The United States fueled that violence by using the country as the staging ground for military operations in the region. The US founded and trained the country’s notorious death squadBattalion 3-16, which took action against students and radical leftist organizers. 

Oliva, alongside other family members of the nearly 200 detained and disappeared, started the Committee of the Family Members of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras, or COFADEH, the year after her husband’s kidnapping. 

Bertha Oliva posing in front of the photos of some of the 200 detained and disappeared.
Michael Fox/ Under the Shadow

Outside of Congress, on a square referred to as the ‘Plaza of the Disappeared’, COFADEH held monthly rallies seeking justice for the victims. Today, there’s a chance they may finally see reparations. The activists helped draft an unprecedented bill that Congress began debating in early April, which seeks justice for the victims of the state’s violations of human rights during the 1980s.

Lawmaker Oved Lopez Rodriguez, a member of the governing leftist Libre Party, has endorsed the bill. “Many countries in Latin America have already advanced with this type of legislation. Many countries have already done justice. Not us,” Lopez Rodriguez said. “We still have these conservative sectors that don’t want us to debate this issue here,” Lopez Rodriguez added.

All of the lawmakers who spoke on the day the bill was delivered, echoed Lopez Rodriguez’s sentiments. But the bill has opponents — both inside and outside of Congress who believe that the country should just move on and leave the past in the past.

A window of opportunity 

German Perez was just 4 years old when his father disappeared in 1982. “We are just in front of Congress where they’re holding important meetings for a law to create the necessary policies to look for justice,” he said

Photos of the detained and disappeared.
Michael Fox/ Under the Shadow

“It’s late, but it’s important for those of us who have long been fighting for this,” Perez added.

Felix Molina is an independent Honduran journalist who today lives in Canada. He fled the country in 2016 after an attack on his life

Molina said that there is a window of opportunity for the bill to pass under President Xiomara Castro’s government. “This initiative to compensate the victims includes the principles of transitional justice, which is greatly absent in the Honduran scenario, which is why the historic wounds of the evils caused by the State remain open,” Molina said.

This is important. If approved, the law wouldn’t just compensate victims but would create public policies to remember the past and ensure it is never repeated. This is something COFADEH has been working on independently for years.

‘We want them back alive’

At COFADEH headquarters, located in a two-story, colonial-style building near the Merced Plaza, the walls are covered with black-and-white pictures of many of the people who disappeared in Honduras in the 1980s. Among the victims are US citizens like Rev. James Carney.  

Photo of Rev. James Carney hanged at the COFADEH.
Michael Fox/ Under the Shadow

At the top of the wall written in Spanish, it says: “You took them alive. We want them back alive.”  “This place is sacred,” Oliva said. “When I’m feeling tired or weak, I come here and I find strength. I communicate with them.” 

Last December, COFADEH inaugurated a new museum north of Tegucigalpa. It’s called the Museum Against Forgetting. It’s in a former clandestine detention center where people were held, tortured, executed, and disappeared.

In a video made for the inauguration, Oliva sits along a white wall with tiny marks along it. 

Oliva said that when they tested the walls, they found traces of blood stains.

“They’ve hidden the past from us,” she says in the video, adding, “And now, it’s like we are opening the windows to the past.”

And that is what her group hopes Congress will do, as well.

(This story comes to The World from Michael Fox’s history podcast Under the Shadow, about U.S. involvement in Central America. It is co-produced in partnership with The Real News and NACLA. You can listen on Spotify, Spreaker, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts.)

‘Putting the U.S. and Canada on Trial’ campaign

Rights Action encourages folks to follow the work of Karen Spring and the Honduras Solidarity Network leading a campaign to hold the U.S. and Canada responsible for supporting the Honduran narco-state.


Read Update #1: U.S. and Canadian support 2009 coup, making way for narco state

Read Update #2: Trial date change. The campaign continues

Read Update #3: “The U.S. government’s go-to man on the war on drug trafficking” pleads guilty to drug trafficking

Read Update #4: U.S. and Canada ‘legitimized’ three repressive, fraudulent elections (2009, 2013, 2017)

Read Update #5: Live from New York

Read Update #6: U.S. government blocks use of classified information outlining U.S. relations with Juan Orlando Hernandez and narco regime

Read Update #7: Trial against Juan Orlando Hernández starts

Read Update #8: How U.S. and Canada ignored warnings of narco trafficking corruption and violence

Read Update #9: How Honduras was ‘Open for Global Business’ (and drug trafficking)

Read Update #10: U.S.-trained military officials Involved in drug trafficking

Facebook: Honduras Solidarity Network & Honduras Now
X: @Hondurassol @HondurasNow
Instagram: @HondurasNow
Web: Bit.ly/NarcoTrialCampaign
Contact: karen@hondurasnow.org

More information

Rights Action archives (https://rightsaction.org/archives) for information about work and struggle in defense of land and human rights, democracy and justice, during the entire 13 years of the U.S. and Canadian backed narco regime in Honduras.